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Quality management

Download of our DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 Certificate as PDF-file:
[German] [English]

The essential components of our company policy are the quality and its further development in addition of the price, the flexibility and the innovation.

The existing system and the organizational proceedings will permanently completed and further developed to guarantee the reliability of every ranges of our company durable and economical. So that in consideration of changing markets and requirements also in the future it will be secured that above all in the ranges construction, production, distribution and procurement the necessary proceedings for the quality assurance will be economically done after guidelines of the management and documented.

Our quality-management-system (QMS) system will be represented in
  • our QM handbook
  • instructions of the procedure
  • instructions of the works and the tests

The courses, the procedures, competence and documentation are put into writing and binding regulated in our QM-handbook as well as in the instructions of the procedure. Our production works support by the IT with an extensive production-planning-system. All the characteristics of the products, the versions and the performance specifications are fixed in form of working papers.

The essential working papers consist of drawings, parts lists, main- and under-orders, working plans and test schedules. The construction works assisted by CAD-systems and furnish appropriate production drawings. Generally we carry out end-tests and if necessary also interim-tests. The end-tests are only carried out by the department of quality. This department also works support by the IV with a CAQ-system so that the administration of measurement and test equipment is clear and to reconstruct. If wished we'll be able to create test reports for single articles acc. to the requirements of our clients. Parts we buy in addition and raw material will be purchased of selected sub-contractors. The foundations are either standard or quality- and function-requirements fixed of us.

A control of the incoming merchandise will be done and documented. In case of important parts we buy in addition we'll carried out original sample inspections or we'll demanded protocols of the tests/certifications of the sub-contractors.

The measures we'll take make sure that our standard of quality will be also in the future conserved respectively will be more optimized.

Our welders are proof tested according DIN EN 9606-2 and DIN EN 9606-3. Our solderers are also proof tested according DIN EN ISO 13585.

If you've some more questions please do not hesitate to contact us:

Mr. Tomás Fernandez
Telephone: +49 (2191) 9352-470
Fax: +49 (2191) 9352-643
Email: Tomas.Fernandez@druseidt.de
© Druseidt Elektrotechnische Spezialfabrik GmbH & Co KG , 2004 - 2023 - last update 13.08.2024 07:52 GMT+1