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Our environmental policy

Download of our DIN EN ISO 14001 certificate in PDF-format:
[german] [english] [spanish]

  • We commit ourselves to adhering to all existing environmental laws and regulations.
  • We take all necessary precautions in order to recognize in advance and to avoid incident-related emissions and commit ourselves to, on request, comprehensively inform our customers and interested members of the general public about the environmental effects of our activity.
  • Our company is committed within the scope of possibilities, taking into consideration economic success, to designing the production of our products in an environmentally sound manner by using appropriate innovative technologies.
  • We shall use energy selectively and sparingly wherever possible and minimize the occurrence of remnants, waste materials, emissions which pollute the environment and waste water by means of appropriate technical and organizational measures.
  • The preservation of our natural environment and the livelihood for future generations is an obligatory part of our actions.
  • We regularly and comprehensively promote and train the awareness of our employees with regard to safety and environmental protection.
  • The environmental compatibility of our actions is increased by involvement in our continuous improvement process (CIP).
We were able to successfully complete 14001 certification of our environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO in May 2014.

For further questions don't hesitate to contact our Environmental Management Officer:

Mr. Tomás Fernandez
Telephone: +49 (2191) 9352-470
Fax: +49 (2191) 9352-643
Email: Tomas.Fernandez@druseidt.de

© Druseidt Elektrotechnische Spezialfabrik GmbH & Co KG , 2004 - 2023 - last update 13.08.2024 07:52 GMT+1